Famous Players - Print and Radio
Famous Players were looking for a campaign that captured the spirit of popular movie genres while advertising a price break. I am especially proud of this because it went from pitch to final art in one day. A personal first for me.
Famous Players
Transit Ad Campaign
(This one is from 2005 so be kind)
The real reasin that I put this here is because Chris Johnston and I
got the breif on Monday.
By Wednesday we were pitching it to the client along with this one.
These ran in media spaces reserved for movie releases.
Movie lovers - loved this one.
The approved it on the spot. and by Friday, the ads were completed and off to the publisher.
Amazing team work. Amazing turn around.
We used to run like a swiss watch.
Radio Spots
Creative Director: Christopher Grimston
Associate Creative Director: Adam Jarvis
Producer: Justin MacRea
Account Management: Chris Johnston
Sci-fi Pricing
Famous Players
30 Second Radio Spot
Chick Flick
Famous Players
30 Second Radio Spot



