Nelson Mandela Editorial Portrait

A tribute portrait of Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela
Editorial Portrait
Like many people, I was shocked to hear the news of Nelson Mandela's passing. It's funny how we expect our heroes to live forever.
Mandela was an inspiration to so many. 
This portrait is a tribute.
This illustration was completed in a few hours after hearing the news of Nelson Mandela's passing.
Nelson Mandela
Touched by him
When I was a young teenager living in Toronto, Nelson Mandela visited our city. It was hard to get a good look at him over the sea of people. But he was there.
That night, I went to a party at Ryserson University.
A few photography students had gone down to city hall and shot great closeups of Mandela as he spoke.
Those images were projected on a 30 ft brick wall as a backdrop for the party.
They mixed his voice in with the music.
I've never forgotten that night.
From Prisoner to President.
What a life.
Available for purchase
If you are interested in publishing this image along with some editorial content
or you have a budget for a customized commissioned editorial image:
please contact me.
I have a diverse range of illustration styles.
Adam Jarvis ©Copyright 2013
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