RasTa - Website
This was the design for the main website for RasTa.
Wordpress blog
To promote the documentary RasTa - A Soul's Journey and the museum exhibit RasTa at the ROM,
I was commissioned to create a website blog.
I was commissioned to create a website blog.
I was honoured to design the website for this project.
As well as the Logo, Movie Poster and Museum Exhibit.
I was educated by this project. Not only about RasTa and it's place in history.
But I also learned much about myself and others on the journey to conclude it.
As well as the Logo, Movie Poster and Museum Exhibit.
I was educated by this project. Not only about RasTa and it's place in history.
But I also learned much about myself and others on the journey to conclude it.
Justice is a perception.
Programming: Cornelius Quiring

Regal blog templates

Random headers
The header of the website rotated random images that linked to content within the website.